*Disclaimer: Remember: You are welcome to come to every Friday of co-op, one field trip, or every field trip. There is no obligation. The idea is to have a safe place for families to come together to learn and have fun. Each family learns at a different pace and in a different way. Here, there is no judgement in your style of learning- we're all in this together! You'll notice, us mommas are totally in love with that Jesus of ours but if you're not a believer- you'll still fit right in here! Please come and be nice... everything is happier when we're nice. =)
LOTS going on this year with the Ninjas! LOTS of fun and LOTS of changes!
1. CHANGE IN LOCATION- We will no longer be meeting in Vinita at Isaiah 58. We loved it there and we were SO thankful for Becky Lee allowing us to use it- However, after discussing the geographic makeup of our group- we've decided Chelsea would be a better place to meet.
Krystal Tucker has arranged for us to use the First Baptist Church in Chelsea located at 413 Beech St. We are very thankful for the opportunity to use this building-let's be sure treat it with respect (like I know we will) Also, let's be sure we all plan to spend the last 10 minutes or so of co-op picking up and putting things in order.
While the weather is nice, feel free to arrive a few minutes early for fun and games outside. There's a volleyball net and basketball goals- bring your own balls. ; ) You could even bring po-go sticks, rip-sticks, etc.
2. CHANGE IN WEEKLY SCHEDULE- This year we will not be having electives. In an attempt to keep things simple and fun we will have a more simple schedule. First Semester we will be doing only States and Presidents and Filed Trips. Second semester we will study our local branches of government- getting ready for Homeschool Capitol Day in OKC.
States and Presidents is something we did during our first year as Ninjas. For those of you who are not familiar with how States and Presidents work, here is a little breakdown:
On this day- students will need to bring a spiral notebook, (I recommend one for states and one for presidents) any state and president info you have from home and a pencil. Be prepared to dig in and get as much information you can about the person/state you choose!
{The following can be done on a simple level for younger children. Nine and up should answer in detail if you feel they are capable}
How did the president you chose impact America?
Was the impact good or bad?
What new laws did your president implement or pass?
What was his passion during his campaign? Did he follow thorough?
What was the public’s view of him?
What are some of the funniest facts about your president? What was something strange he loved?
When did your state enter statehood?
What is it’s flower, bird, what are some native animals, and trees?
What national landmarks are there?
Did anyone famous come from there?
What food is it known for?
When we gather the last Friday of the month, students will need to have their poster board for presentation, a report (ONE or more page for nine and up, if capable) any books they may have used for display, and a sample to share of the food from that sate. Example: Blueberry muffins for Maine because they are famous for blueberries, corn in a crock pot for Nebraska because they grow lots of corn; or Hot dogs for New York,etc) On the fourth Friday of each month, Co-op will last until 3:30 because we will have 'a taste of the states' together. =) We will also chose our next months state/president on this day. Sometimes we will have students doing one that was already done in prior months, that's OK. The more perspective, the better!
2011 |
2011 |
This time is suppose to be fun and memorable! The more the kids dig deep for facts about things and present them in their own way- the better they stick. (shhhh... don't tell them but they're also learning great public speaking skills ; ) Check out HERE for a snapshot of one of our past years presentation days.
3. CHANGE IN TIME- This year we will be having Co-Op at the church from 1-3 (except for the presentation day, we will stay until 3:30 on that day because we will be eating) Field trips will be the normal time, starting between 9:30&10:00am.
4. CHANGE IN COST- Since we are not having electives this year, there will be no charge to families. As long as we all work together and share supplies, etc. we won't have to have a fee per family.
Here are a look at the Field Trips we plan to have this year. On the first day of co-op we will hand out a calender with all scheduled Field Trips, days off, parties, etc.
Ride a Train!
Learn how trains in Oklahoma work and take a ride! FREE, Owasso.
Will Rogers Museum
FREE for students, small fee for parents- Claremore
Philbrook Museum of Art http://philbrook.org/
You'll be surprised, even the big boys will love this one! Small admission, Tulsa
Tulsa's New Science Museum
This will be a new treat for us all! Cost TBD- Tulsa
Tour PSO Dam
We're finally going to do it! Free, Oologah
OKC Capitol Day
It's a road trip! Free, OKC
Tour the Post Office
How does it get from there to our house? What are the rules? FREE, Location TBD
Go to Court!
We'll sit in on a real Rogers County court hearing, meet the judge, and ask questions. FREE, Claremore
Tour the Dairy
What all do they do there? How do they make their butter? FREE, Claremore
Tour the Farm
Check out a local farm and how they get chickens ready for sale in local stores. FREE, Chelsea
These events aren't in any certain order as dates haven't been set. Some aren't even confirmed yet. If you have a field trip you'd like to plan- let us know! We'd love to schedule it in!
This year we will not be having a fall party- only a Christmas party. The date will be Dec 13th or 20th.
I'm new to homeschooling - can you tell me a bit about the group or direct me to a place where I can learn more (kids' age range, meeting days, when the activities are planned for, etc)? We live in Chelsea, but work in Claremore and Tulsa and have an 8th grader. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi Tierney!
DeleteMy name is Kati, I am one of the organizers of the group. =) We also live in Chelsea and have children of all grades, our oldest being 7th. Please feel free to email me at kathleangibson@gmail.com for more info. You can also join our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/263796663699206/ if you are on facebook. I look forward to talking with you soon ; )