A lovely meeting was held last week by several local moms, chit chatting about the future education of our children.
Ummm, I love that times 100 ; )
On to the nuts and bolts, folks!

There will be a Back To School Kick Off September 5th 6:30pm @ McSpadden Park, Chelsea
Dress for a mess because we are going to be having fun!
Watermelon eating contest
Relay race
Water balloon dodge ball
Sack races
Apple catching
It's sure to be a fun time! Please eat before you come or pack a snack for your family WE WILL NOT BE SERVING DINNER
***this is NOT an event only for Ninjas! It is for anyone who currently homeschools OR considering homeschooling. It's for people in our group, considering joining our group OR not in our group at all! ** Remember, we exist to provide an outlet for homeshool familes to find lasting friendship, information, and to have ecnouragement for the long road of education. It's all abut making friends, sharing life together, all while learning!
It's sure to be a fun time! Please eat before you come or pack a snack for your family WE WILL NOT BE SERVING DINNER
***this is NOT an event only for Ninjas! It is for anyone who currently homeschools OR considering homeschooling. It's for people in our group, considering joining our group OR not in our group at all! ** Remember, we exist to provide an outlet for homeshool familes to find lasting friendship, information, and to have ecnouragement for the long road of education. It's all abut making friends, sharing life together, all while learning!
A few things to look forward to!
Monthly we will be celebrating birthdays. Just a simple, monthly recognition of who had a birthday mixed with some sort of sweet to make it complete =) of course, right?! We know some children have peanut allergies so of course, you moms can make it special for your kiddos. We will have more info for this at the kick off.
Book Race: Monthly, we will be having a reading challenge! But first, allow me to share this:
I have enrolled our co-op in the Braums Buddy Book Club! These coupons will not be available for pick up until October. If your family is wanting to enroll outside of our co-op, go HERE! It'll be great! Your student reads, they get ice cream!
I tried to enroll our co-op in the Pizza Hut Book It Program. However, they said each family needs to enroll individually. WE LOVE THIS PROGRAM! It is just like the public school program. You read- they give you free pizza! It's as simple as that. If your family is wanting to enroll, go HERE!
Another reading program you can sign up for? Yes! The Six Flags Read to Succeed is FANTASTIC! We went last year! All you do is read, log it, and then they send you FREE TICKETS to the park of your choice! INCLUDING A FREE PARENT/TEACHER Ticket! and yes! It is for homeschoolers also! Just click on the homeschool link. Go HERE for more info.
As I mentioned before: We will be starting a monthly book race. Parents will track their students monthly reading according to child's skill set. Then, monthly we will have a book review where each kiddo will get up and say a one minute thing on what they read and why they liked it. Think, Reading Rainbow: =)
Tentative Schedule of Events So Far:
Sept 5th: Kick Off @ McSpadden Park
Sept 12th: Mom Support Time -- bring your favorite homeschool find of the year, any book encouraging you, as well as your calenders! We will iron out all dates and questions over coffee during this co-op!
Sept 26th: George Washington Celebration-- Bring all you know or want to know about GWC! We will have learning stations and various activities to help introduce our group to George in preparation of our upcoming trip to his little place in the world- where it all came to life!
CHECK IT OUT: During the month of October we will be taking about 20 minutes of co-op time to work with different age groups preparing for a Thanksgiving Program! This will be a Thanksgiving program like never before- each of the kids will have an opportunity to study, share, act, or preform something to their liking related to first Thanksgiving time period. I imagine we will see lots of guns, feathers, poems, and yummy food. ; )
Sept 26th: George Washington Celebration-- Bring all you know or want to know about GWC! We will have learning stations and various activities to help introduce our group to George in preparation of our upcoming trip to his little place in the world- where it all came to life!
CHECK IT OUT: During the month of October we will be taking about 20 minutes of co-op time to work with different age groups preparing for a Thanksgiving Program! This will be a Thanksgiving program like never before- each of the kids will have an opportunity to study, share, act, or preform something to their liking related to first Thanksgiving time period. I imagine we will see lots of guns, feathers, poems, and yummy food. ; )
October 3rd: George Washington Carver Trip (Missouri a little over an hour from here)
October 10: TBD Possible FREE trip to Shepherds Cross? A Local Sheep Farm to celebrate fall! Click HERE for more info.
October 17: Talent Show Prep
October 24th: EVENING Talent Show -- Does your kiddo have a special talent or art they'd like to share? Tell them to start thinking! More info to be handed out at the kick off. We will be doing this instead of a Halloween party.
October 31st: No Co-Op
October 10: TBD Possible FREE trip to Shepherds Cross? A Local Sheep Farm to celebrate fall! Click HERE for more info.
October 17: Talent Show Prep
October 24th: EVENING Talent Show -- Does your kiddo have a special talent or art they'd like to share? Tell them to start thinking! More info to be handed out at the kick off. We will be doing this instead of a Halloween party.
October 31st: No Co-Op
November 7th: Thanksgiving Program Prep
November 21st & 28th Thanksgiving Break
Last: A few more details? Yes!
There were several ideas for field trips: Everyone is ironing those out and will post info when they can. Do you have an idea for a trip? Let's get it planned!!!!
Next: we have been blessed to meet at the local baptist church for our weekly group times. We are hoping to expand our location to a local, convenient place where we can have access to outdoors as well as a possible gym or stage. If you have any connections within the community: Please let me know! we are happy to sign liability waivers.
I remember almost FOUR years ago when we started this little group. I had lived in this community for one year and only knew ONE homeschool family. One day, I met Becky - she was my second homeschool friend. When I met her and she said, "Have you ever thought of going to, or starting a co-op?" I SAID YES!!!! Let's do it.
We started the following week.
I remember standing before several families totally blown away-- they had been in our little community and I had no idea. Since then, our family has hosted a foreign exchange student, adopted two children, had lots of birthday parties, tea parties, little "get togethers" enjoyed meals with many of you. You have walked the hard road of adoption, multiplication wars, and frustrated homeschool mom moments with me. When my kiddos attend someones birthday party and I notice so many co-op friends there, I realize, this is good.
I hope all of you know how much I love and appreciate you. I'm not the leader of this group-- we all "lead" The door is always open for communication and anything can be wiped off the calender and replaced with a better idea. It is safe here.
Tell your friends about co-op and the beauty of fellowship with other mommas. Invite them to the kick off! I think it is key to success of homeschooling. At least for me, having people to walk the road of learning together has been beautiful.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/263796663699206/ Join the group for quick updates and access to other mommas!
I'm Kati! One of the mommas of this group. Feel free to call or text me: (918) 5 0 0- 0 one zero 1
Email at hnhomeschoolcoop @ gmail.com