For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45
It always amazes me, that scripture. Really, the King of the world came to serve not to be served? There is no other king like that!
This Friday we will have the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus loving on two great organizations in Chelsea.
At 10:00 we will meet at the Harps Grocery Store parking lot and head over to the United Methodist Church to deliver our can goods. Remember, each family bring one can good per person in their family. Feel free to bring more or less-- whatever your family is able to bring would be helpful.
Each week, around 4:30 you will see people of our community lined up outside the locked doors of this church waiting for the food pantry to begin. I love the way Jesus tells us to go and do -- I love that it's not up to us whether or not they deserve our help. We just get to plant seeds and pray for the harvest that one day will take place. The food bank is running very low. We are so blessed to be able to help them. The more food they have, the more people they can help.
At 10:30, after delivering food, we will head over to the Chelsea Boys and Girls Club. Mr. Addam, a life long resident of our little town works there. The Boys and Girls Club provides organized sports and after school care for many of Chelsea's kids for a very low cost. Funding for the Boys and Girls club is not always guaranteed and many of the staff work long hours for little pay. Indoor basketball at the Boys and Girls Club after school will make you think you've stepped back into the 80's, there is no air conditioning. =) We will spend our morning painting and cleaning.
After our time at the B&GC we will head over to McSpadden Park for Ice cream cones (provided) . Feel free to bring a sack lunch for your family.
Remember, even if you don't attend co-op on a regular basis, you are more than welcome to join in on the fun of loving others!
See you Thursday!
Joyfully Serving You and our Kiddos,
Kati =)
Can't wait to see the difference made at BG&C!