Well, we had a fantastic trip to RCB bank in Claremore at the end of February.
We divided up into two groups, I was told one was more "talkative" than the other (hmmmm, I think mine was the talkative one and Becky's the quiet one... Becky, surely that is a coincidence, right? HA!) Either way, it was such a great time! We toured all the "hidden areas" of the big banking world, did some hands on stuff, and was able to ask some fun questions.
Like when my son, Judah (4 at the time) asks, "So, do you have to lock allllll the doors before you go home at night?" and I almost cried, yeah... that was sweet.
I know Becky took more pictures, but I don't have those. So, if you were in the other group I don't have pictures of you =(
Tomorrow, March 9th, we will have Art.
Tiffany Teel will be heading up a Mosaic Class for all the ages in the big room.
If everyone would bring any glue they have laying around and construction paper, that would be great. They will rip and design pictures. JUST ONES YOU ALREADY HAVE LAYING AROUND DON'T GO BUY ANY!
Sarah McDonald will be bringing supplies to make paper flowers with coffee filters for our little ones =)
Before art, Mrs Summer from the Health Department will have some hands on fun for us from 10:15-11:00 Let's hope she does a great job after seeing her age range last month ;)
We will also be selecting COUNTRIES for the next presentation day. Families will choose ONE country to study and learn about. Then we will come together on the fifth Friday this March to give our presentations as a family. All the kids LOVED the States and Presidents Presentations, at least they said they did by a show of hands last week ; )
Can't wait until tomorrow, see you then!